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Weddings During Covid: Do's, Don'ts, and How to Stay Safe

Your big day has finally arrived, months maybe even over a year in the making. From planning the venue, to picking out the perfect dress, setting the menu, and all the other tasks involved in putting together your dream day, the moment has come. Then March 2020 hit and all those meticulous meetings spent planning out the day’s event almost seem to be for nothing. Whether you’ve decided to postpone your wedding, downsize your guest list, or continue on as planned (following your venue’s and state’s guidelines), here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind for your big day.

DO: Talk to your venue.

Don’t be afraid to speak out and ask questions and advocate for yourself. Need to postpone due to your state’s guidelines? Ask if there will be additional fees for having to postpone. Talk to your venue about your options in order to figure out what’s the best fit for you.

Image @ragartistry Venue @fairmontolympic

DON’T: Make any rash decisions.

Yes, this can be a troubling time, as far as having to let go of your previous expectations goes. Be sure that any big decisions that are being made happen over the course of a few days, that way you give yourself and your partner time to think over your plan and make a decision.

DO: Speak out.

Whether it’d be needing to make a change from your original planned date or making adjustments to how the wedding is happening, be sure to update your guests. Decide whether to resend new paper invitations or an updated email invitation. Either way be sure they know any adjustments that are being made.

DON’T: Ignore guidelines.

Be sure to keep an eye on your state’s guidelines. You don’t want to have any problems with guests being able to travel to your venue or the size of the party itself.

DO: Get creative!

Not comfortable having an in-person wedding? Switch to a remote wedding that your guests can watch in the safety and comfort of their own home. Don’t want to change your date? Make it an intimate moment with you, your partner-to-be, and maybe your family members.


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